Chemical reaction lab activity pdf

Chemical equations show the formulas for the substances that take part in the reaction. When paper is burned carbon dioxide and water are also produced in the chemical reaction. This activity can be used as an introduction to chemical reactions indicators of chemical reactions or as an introduction to acidbase reactions with ph indicators. Factors affecting the rate of a chemical reaction what you will accomplish in this experiment youll investigate two of the four factors that affect the rate of a chemical reaction. Classroom resources chemical equations unit plan aact. As a class, student pairs will go through the chemical reaction activity, which includes observation of the reactants before mixing, the reaction itself, and the resulting products. There are two types of double replacement reactions that we will investigate. Weve upgraded your profile to allow for richer hiresolution images. Lab making an activity series handout finish lab postlab write up due. A chemical reaction rearranges the constituent atoms of the reactants to create different substances as products. The following equation describes the burning of hydrogen gas to form liquid water. To identify the products formed in these reactions and summarize the chemical changes in terms of balanced chemical equations and net ionic equations. Types of chemical reaction element before during after methane transparent gas, passing through the tube.

Combustion is evidence that a chemical reaction is taking place. Read online lab activity chemical reaction answer key calorimetry book pdf free download link book now. Avoid touching the chemicals, and wash hands after the lab. School adapted from flinn activities and norm herrs hands on chemistry 2003. No reaction no reaction no reaction solid plates out on the copper strip and the solutions color changes from colorless to greenish blue. This lab is set up into 8 separate stations types of chemical reactions lab that require a variety of materials per station. Rate of reaction activity california state university. To use the results from the single replacement reactions to devise a partial activity series. The basics of reaction kinetics for chemical reaction engineering 1. Takehome chemistry collection nsta learning center. Go to activity three and repeat what you did in sections iv, v, and vi with a combination of metalmetal ions taken from activities one and two. The ancients thought that fire was an element along with. Have the kids place a small amount a couple tablespoons of baking soda in the balloon using the funnel.

This can be used to predict if a reaction will occur. Lab activity chemical reaction answer key calorimetry pdf. Lab types of chemical reactions, synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement, combustion, balancing equationsthe purpose of this lab activity is to teach your students how to identify the types of chemical reactions. Set up is approximately one hour if you have to make and fill dropper bottles with hydrochloric acid. Zn no reaction solid plates out on the zinc strip and the intensity of the color in the solution is reduced after the strip is removed no reaction solid plates out on the zinc strip, no. B, the fact that atoms are conserved, together with knowledge of the chemical properties of the elements involved, can be used to describe and predict. The sparks suddenly make the fire turn on and after turning it on, and after turning it on we regulate the oxygen making the fire blue or yellowish orange. Examining vsepr through the cross cutting concept of patterns teacher stephanie obrien describes her use of the phet simulation molecule shapes as part of a vsepr activity. In this video you will learn about five different types of chemical reactions that are. The five general types of chemical reactions are synthesis also known as direct combination. To perform and observe the results of a variety of chemical reactions.

Solid metal was placed in a metal ion solution to determine if a reaction would occur. When the written portion of their lab is complete, they will break into separate groups, and move around the room in stations to test and observe different substances chemically react and change into new s. After carrying out four chemical reactions and identifying evidence of a reaction, students write balanced chemical equations and identify the reaction type for. Have students add a spatula of baking soda to one beaker followed by 25 ml of water and stir until most of the baking soda dissolves. The first five minutes covers the units anchoring phenomenon, the unit issue, and a brief visit to each lesson, while the second half takes a deep dive into one activity. Endothermic and exothermic activity for this assignment, you will be creating your own potential energy diagrams for three chemical reactions. The vertical axis gives the potential energy for the reaction, while the horizontal axis is a relative i. The magnitude of the atomic mass unit is arbitrary.

The user controls the action of a piston in a pressure chamber filled with an ideal gas, illustrating relationships between temperature, volume, pressure, and molecular weight. In the previous two lessons chemical reactions unnotes and chemical physical group challenge, students have been developing an understanding of the difference between a chemical and physical reaction. Some chemical reactions absorb energy and are called endothermic reactions. This wont be an official lab discussion paragraph but you must thoroughly explain the results using the background information and your knowledge of the results of the activity.

Evidence of a chemical reaction vanderbilt university. Classify the reactions as synthesis, decomposition, single replacement or double replacement, and write balanced formula equations. Reactions occur when reactant molecules collide with the proper orientation and with energy. Suppose that small pieces of the metal nickel were placed into two separate aqueous solutions. The first experiment is a very simple one that shows children how to tell if a chemical reaction has occurred by observing the formation of a gas. Substances are either chemical elements or compounds. Chemical reactions 1 science starts with a question chemical reactions module overview students will participate in a series of activities based on a modelbased inquiry framework.

Introduction to reaction types lab notebook record observations for all of the chemical reactions carried out during the lab in your lab book. To examine a variety of reactions including precipitation, acidbase, gas forming, and oxidationreduction reactions. Purpose after examining each reaction in the laboratory, you should be. Chemical reactions smithsonian science smithsonian institution. The chemical change will be demonstrated by making elephants toothpaste. Let us perform some activities to find the answer to these questions.

Remember to write the phase g,l,s, or aq after each reactant and product. Types of chemical reaction nevo mantel franca 10b chemistry lab report. In the presence of sunlight, the chemical reactions take place on the surface of the leaf. The process by which the plants make their own food is called photosynthesis. The appearance of a solid precipitate when solutions of a substance are mixed is one such change. Chemical and physical changes lab stations betterlesson. Take ten minutes to watch an overview of chemical reactions, from issues and science, developed by sepup. These activities will help them understand the signs that a chemical reaction has taken place. How do we come to know that a chemical reaction has taken place. Soak eggs in vinegar to initiate a chemical reaction and dissolve the eggshell. To understand the relationship or the lack of between the rate of a reaction and its equilibrium constant introduction the rate of a chemical reaction is the change in the concentration of a reactant or a product per unit time. Once you have covered the topics of balancing equations and reaction types, use the its time to react lab to help your students put all of these concepts together. Download lab activity chemical reaction answer key calorimetry book pdf free download link or read online here in pdf.

All equipment and materials are readily available and most can be purchased at a grocery store. A virtual lab from the university of oregon allows one to perform three experiments. Real chemists in real labs mix chemicals together but rarely have explo. The energy change in a reaction is given on an energylevel diagram, or potential energy profile, as shown in figure. Chemical reactions many chemical reactions can be placed into one of two categories. Lab making an activity series handout finish lab post lab write up due. This activity uses lego bricks to represent atoms bonding into molecules and crystals.

With this lab activity, students will first use the power point to start their lab writeup. In this lab activity you will observe what happens when a number of different substances are combined. In all the above situations, the nature and the identity of the initial. To assist you, use the enthalpy values in the data chart for each generic reaction provided. Jun 21, 2019 31 chemical and physical change lab pdf 31 chemical and physical change lab doc 31 chemical and physical change lab answers pdf 31 chemical and physical change lab answers doc background theory. Since metals replace other metals, while nonmetals replace other nonmetals, they each have a separate activity series. Students will determine the relative activity of several metal elements and the. The purpose of this lab was to test the reactivity of certain metals, then create an activity series demonstrating the metals tendencies to be oxidized. May 20, 2018 for a singlereplacement reaction, a given element is capable of replacing an element that is below it in the activity series. Types of chemical reactions lab demos students 2015. Whether and how authentic contexts using a virtual chemistry lab support learning. A chemical equation is a shorthand description of a chemical reaction. B, the fact that atoms are conserved, together with knowledge of the chemical properties of the elements involved, can be used to. Poster with title and clear description of the reaction.

Sodium24 or 24na the atomic mass unit often designated as u. The basics of reaction kinetics for chemical reaction. The green pigment inside the leaves called chlorophyll help in the. We noticed you havent updated your profile picture recently. This paragraph must be no less than 10 complete sentences. Of the five reaction types, which type of reaction s are characterized by. There is a wet lab chemistry experiment mixing baking soda and calcium chloride with phenol red indicator, followed by a lego lab modeling phase that includes writing formulas. To become familiar with the observable signs of chemical reactions. Virtual chemistry and simulations american chemical society. Remind students of the usual laboratory rules when using. Chemical reactions and equations chapter1 c onsider the following situations of daily life and think what happens when milk is left at room temperature during summers. Then you will use your diagrams to determine the value of.

Materials mossy zinc copper wire magnesium ribbon copper ii carbonate 6 m hcl 1 m cuso 4. Chemical reaction, a process in which one or more substances, the reactants, are converted to one or more different substances, the products. The activity series is a list of elements in decreasing order of their reactivity. To identify the products formed in chemical reactions and predict when a reaction will occur. The mystery reaction life science teaching resource community. Observe some chemical reactions and identify reactants and products of those reactions. Students will be able to identify the products of each react. Physical changes usually involve a compounds state of matter where heat energy is added or removed.

The table \\pageindex1\ below is an activity series of most common metals, and the table \\pageindex2\ is an activity series of the. Performance expectation pedisciplinary core idea dci this lesson is aligned with hsps17, the uses of mathematical representations to support the claim that atoms, and therefore mass, are conserved during a chemical reaction. Document this lab activity in your laboratory book in standard format. Purpose after examining each reaction in the laboratory, you should be able to classify each reaction as exothermic or. Authors report on a study with high school chemistry students using virtual lab investigations, in a 2018 issue of the journal of chemical education.

It is not important that all of the baking soda dissolves. Chemical reactions isotopes are usually represented in several ways. Check the activity series to see if zinc will replace hydrogen in this reaction. Matter can change form through chemical or nuclear reactions. Write a balanced chemical equation for each of these reactions. Oxidationreduction reactions are ones in which electrons are transferred from one species to another. Student guide a pdf of the student guide is provided to students during the instruction, the virtual experiment, and the inlaboratory wet experiment, both of which follow the same lab procedure. Of the five reaction types, which type of reactions are characterized by. Increasing the concentration of each reactant increasing the number of moles of reactant per liter of solution. Rate of chemical reactions teacher guide purpose students will explore the effects of variables on the rate of a chemical reaction. Write a complete balanced equation for this reaction. Look in the flashlights instruction manual for tips, or conduct an online search.